How to make and store a home inventory

If you ever have a home insurance claim, you will quickly realize how valuable a home inventory can be to the claim being processed quickly. A home inventory will give you information about what was lost. At Voi Insurance Solutions LLC in Glendale, CA, we offer our customers more choices and the help they need. 

There are several ways to do a home inventory, but the most common is just with a pad and pen and your phone to take pictures. You can begin in the room of your choice. Write down everything that you see in as much detail as you can. This means brand names where possible and serial numbers for electronics. Open every drawer, cabinet, and closet. 

Take photos of the room from various angles to get as many of the things included in the photo as possible. If you have any receipts or sales slips, they should be attached to the list for the room. Go from room to room in your home and do the same thing. Once you have finished the first floor, go to the second floor if you have one. 

When all the rooms are complete, don’t forget the attic and the basement. Many people store things like their Christmas ornaments in either one of these places. You should also inventory the items stored in your garage and any sheds you may have. 

Once the inventory is complete, it is vital that it be kept in a safe place so that it can survive any peril that may strike. The best place is away from your home. Having a copy of the inventory and photos on the cloud is also a good idea. 

Contact us at Voi Insurance Solutions LLC in Glendale, CA when you need help with your home insurance needs.