Why Do You Need Flood Insurance?

When you own a home, there are specific insurance policies that you need to have in place to protect it. One of these is a flood insurance policy. A flood insurance policy protects your home and what is in it against many types of floods. It’s essential to have this insurance for the damage that flooding can do to your home and belongings. Flood insurance is vital for every homeowner to have for this reason. Call us at Voi Insurance Solutions LLC in Glendale, CA when you need a policy for your home.

Home Policies and Floods

Many people don’t think they need a flood insurance policy because they have a good home insurance policy. However, when they have a flood, they quickly find out that home insurance policies don’t cover floods. If you don’t have a flood policy and this happens to you, all of the damage to your home will have to be paid for by you. A flood can even destroy a house and leave it uninhabitable. Without a flood policy, you would have to rebuild it. 

Flood Zones

Some areas are labeled as flood zones, and some areas aren’t. Some people believe that they don’t need this insurance if they don’t live in an area labeled as a flood zone. However, about 20% of all flooding claims come from areas that don’t have the flood label. That means they could come from just about anywhere outside of those zones. When you have flood insurance, you are covered just in case flooding should occur.

Get Flood Insurance

You need to have a flood policy, and we can help. Call us today at Voi Insurance Solutions LLC in Glendale, CA to get started with a flood policy of your own,